Electric six gay bar costume

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It's a little weird to be basically reliving the short in an industrial part of Dallas 28 years later surrounded by chain restaurants and Harleys, but here I am being offered a hit from a joint by a dude with a mohawk while trying to make it into the bar in time for the World Cup match. Here's how the day went.ĥ pm: The 1986 cult classic documentary Heavy Metal Parking Lot shows what it was like to be amongst the fans and their cars before a Judas Priest concert in Maryland back in the day.

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It was exhausting, exhilarating and a testament to the limitless energy of the Gas Monkey Bar staff. Men's National team supporters during the World Cup match, and finally, Yip Deceiver and Electric Six playing supposedly the last show ever on the indoor stage. A day that saw what amounted to a mini-metal music festival, featuring Whitechapel and Devil Driver on the outdoor stage, a bar packed with U.S. and midnight at the Gas Monkey Bar & Grill on Sunday. That quote, ladies and gents, might perfectly sum up the madness that occurred between the hours of 5 p.m.

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I get to watch sports highlights with subtitles and a heavy metal show.' - Dick Valentine, lead singer of Electric Six

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'Visually, to me, this is the best show ever.

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